Looking for talents for new independent hollywood feature film by director Markus Cook; for "Alan 2"(Director of movie 'Alan and the fullness of time) filming in Cincinnati, Ohio

Production Company: Heavenbound Films
Producers: Bryce Hockema, Caroline Vance

CAINE- MALE -50-60 years RACE/ETHNICITY: ANY : The primary antagonist to our hero, Alan. A shadowy and mysterious figure, working behind the scenes. Manipulative and calculating. A very ancient evil lurks within him.

SIMON- MALE- 24-30 years RACE/ETHNICITY: ANY: A weasly spy, on a mission to gather any information he can about the whereabouts and status of Alan. While on mission he uncovers a shocking revelation about the power the young boy wields.

GREG - MALE - 24-35 years RACE/ETHNICITY: ANY: A no-nonsense reporter, bent on uncovering the truth behind a local church’s financial scandal. Dedicated and driven.

DANIEL - MALE - 30-40 years RACE/ETHNICITY: ANY: A member of Alan’s home church. He faces interrogation from a local investigator about the financial scandal involving Alan’s pastor. Honest to a fault, and fearful of what may happen.

PASTOR THOM - MALE - 45-55 year RACE/ETHNICITY: CAUCASIAN: A loyal friend of Alan’s family and church and fellow pastor. A well of confidence who’s about to have his faith tested in a way he’s never experienced before. Kindhearted and enthusiastic.

Shooting Dates: September 13 – October 8
Audition Location: Video Submission
Shooting Location: Cincinnati, Ohio

Payment: Paid

City or Location of call: Online Submission
Please submit to: 

Last date of submission: 13-08-2021

Actors should slate and use the sides provided at the link below (Youtube/Vimeo links, or formatted as .MOV or .MP4). 

RESUMES ARE A GREAT ADDITION TO THIS AUDITION. Submit them in the same email. If you are cast you will recieve a follow up email to meet with Bryce and Markus to discuss further details. 

Audition Sides: 

Actor Information Sheet: 

please fill this out when you send in your audition tapes

For clarification of doubts you can contact to the email id given above