The sad fact is, among these calls there are so many fake casting calls with an intention to loot money from new comers and to exploit women who are waiting for an opening in the big screen.
So far so many eminent personalities from the industry like Tovino Thomas, Sathyan Anthikkad and the FEFKA itself warned about these type of calls.
Recently Badhusha, one of the well known production controller of the Malayalam film industry came out with a warning note on fake casting calls. He said that he happened to know that some frauds offer roles in films with famous celebrities for 10 lakh rupees and it is a scam
'Cinema is a dream for so many. Many talented people are waiting for a chance in cinema. Along with that there are so many crooked persons waiting there to exploit freshers. Money is their main aim. I got information that some one offering role along with famous celebrities and rupees 10 lakh is their charge. Talent and luck are the key to cinema, so try in the right way. If any one comes to you with such an offer to cinema by asking money please inform this to police' Badhusha summarises
So from team Free Casting 4U, we humbly request you to be aware about fraudsters and do not give money in any circumstances for a chance in cinema. Good luck to all..