Actress Anjali Nair under the banner Aavni Productions is going to produce a new movie. The story of the movie is by a 12 year old boy Althaf Ansar and script and direction by Ansar Thajudheen, the father of Althaf. The movie is named as 'Maithanam (മൈതാനം)'

Boys and Girls: 7-17 years
Mother characters: 27-40 years
Father characters: 35-45 years
Grand father and Grand mother characters: 55-75 years

Audition dates: 15th and 16th February 2020
Time: 9 am to 5 pm
Venue: Leo XIII LP School, West of Convent Square, Alappuzha
Phone: +91 94477 48970,+91 95447 12368

Confirm the Time and Venue of Open Auditions by yourself before attending by using the contacts given. We are not responsible for cancellation/postponement/venue change of such auditions
Disclaimer: We are sharing these casting calls with a helping mentality to film aspirants, we cannot assure all calls posted here are 100% genuine since we are not conducting it.  Please do not give registration fee for auditions/ offer money for getting chances. We are not responsible for any fraudulent activity by any personnel/ authority concerned with any of the casting/ audition calls, and cancellation/ postponement of auditions. If you happened to meet with any misbehavior/ fraud activities, please notify us and seek legal help from concerned authorities