Looking for male, female and child actors for upcoming Malayalam movie "KODI (കൊടി)" which will feature about 100 new faces. Film will be directed by: Baiju Mannarkkadu and produced by: Sharafsiya under the banner Friends Creations.
Male: Age groups-
7-10 years
22-28 years
30-35 years
40-50 years
Female: Age groups-
7-10 years
10-15 years
18-25 years
40-45 years
Audition date: 23rd December 2017
Time: 9 am - 6 pm
Venue: Kaveri Tourist Home, Kothamangalam
Contacts :+918547816083/ +919605380309
Disclaimer: We are sharing these casting calls with a helping mentality to film aspirants, we cannot assure all calls posted here are 100% genuine since we are not conducting it. Please do not give registration fee for auditions/ offer money for getting chances. We are not responsible for any fraudulent activity by any personnel/ authority concerned with any of the casting/ audition calls, and cancellation/ postponement of auditions. If you happened to meet with any misbehaviour/ fraud activities please notify us and seek help from POLICE
Male: Age groups-
7-10 years
22-28 years
30-35 years
40-50 years
Female: Age groups-
7-10 years
10-15 years
18-25 years
40-45 years
Audition date: 23rd December 2017
Time: 9 am - 6 pm
Venue: Kaveri Tourist Home, Kothamangalam
Contacts :+918547816083/ +919605380309
Disclaimer: We are sharing these casting calls with a helping mentality to film aspirants, we cannot assure all calls posted here are 100% genuine since we are not conducting it. Please do not give registration fee for auditions/ offer money for getting chances. We are not responsible for any fraudulent activity by any personnel/ authority concerned with any of the casting/ audition calls, and cancellation/ postponement of auditions. If you happened to meet with any misbehaviour/ fraud activities please notify us and seek help from POLICE